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Sunday 28 July 2013




Bugis traditional food in Sabah the former is derived from tribal ancestors recipe bugis. Especially during the summer (harvest) for farmers who cultivate this jagung.Tapi Noble assuming only first-time experience every time arrived dulu.Sebab corn harvest, farmers' wives would cook porridge is known as Barobbok Bugis society.

In some places, especially in Land Bugis (Celebes), the menu is known by several names (such as Menado or Porridge Corn Porridge) although manufacturing is the same version. The basic ingredients needed in this mush is corn, rice and vegetables. Currently, many were treating materials to enhance the value borobbok to include chicken or seafood such as shrimp. There are also my mixing shrimp and chicken once in this recipe, it is up to the taste and ability of a person.

Barobbok @ Porridge Menado

  •   2 Young Corn cobs - thin slices to separate.
  •   1 cup rice - washed and drained
  •   1 packet soup bunjut
  •   500 gm Chicken - cut into small 
  •   Fried onions
  •   parsley
  •   scallions
  •   Punch material
  •   Spanish onion
  •   garlic
  •   White pepper
  •   2 pieces of eggplant (long or round) into small pieces
  •   spinach
  •   long beans
  •   Kelor leaf (leaves Ramungai)


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