if u want visit SABAH ,just call me 0178314645

Sunday 28 July 2013



 Sabah is a unique land, a melting pot of many indigenous and immigrant groups. The population comprises over thirty-one different ethnic races and 80 over different languages or dialects. The beautiful thing is all these diverse ethnic groups live together harmoniously while at the same time preserving their own culture, traditions, festivals and customs. The indigenous group in Sabah include the Kadazan Dusun, Bajau, Murut, Rungu, Lotud, Brunei, Orang Sungai, Kadayan, Bisaya and many others sub-groups.


The Chinese form the largest non-indigenous group. The largest single Chinese group in Sabah are Hakka(Kek), although Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, Hainanese, Henghua and other groups found. The Chinese have intermixed with the local population, mainly the Kadazan Dusun, often creating the confusing situation ethnically whereby a person with a Chinese name may not be Chinese. This may only be an indication of some Chinese ancestry. He may be Kadazan in appearance, culture and language.

The Bajaus, the second largest indigenous group are believed to have come to Sabah around the 18th and 19th centuries from the Southern Philipines. The Bajaus have often been called sea gypsies because they were fearless sailors. But nowadays they are the famous 'Cowboys of the East' as they are expert horsemen rearing ponies, buffaloes and cattle as well as being as rice farmers. On festive occasions, they will be riding brightly on decorated ponies.

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